
  • The Gobi is unusual feature in a landscape where the most of water is accessed by deep wells. In some areas within Gobi, water may appear on the surface as a meandering trickle (disappearing when the weather becomes too hot) with small stands of Poplars, or fringed with reeds like oasis.

  • Traveling in Mongolia make you realize that this country has unique area of unsurpassed geographical and human diversity. There is cultural and traditional nomad lifestyle which happens on this location with cause and effect. You may accept that you are not in center of universe, but you are in true adventure with forest, desert, steppe and lake lands populated by over 20 ethnic groups. 

  • Traveling in Gobi, on the one hand, you will enjoy many of unforgettable landscape; narrow valleys, rocky peaks, thick glaciers, the pale golden sands, sand-rock cliffs. On the other hand, you will explore beautiful herd of wild life. Clearly, Mongolia Gobi has a special relationship with this black tailed gazelle.